~Grendel - Ellinia : Magic Library , Crimsonheart castle quests ~
A)Grendel - Just talk to grendel and accept his quest(s) to start.
~Grendel - 魔法森林 : 圖書館 , Crimsonheart castle quests ~
A)Grendel - 點他接有[Crimsonheart]的任務。
---------------Crimsonheart castle---------------
~Faded Citadel~
A)Pepper - The demons of shadow veil
B)Ridley - Ridley Who?
C)Talk to pepper again and click on lightbulb above your head
D)Ridley - Battle with Magic (100 Typhons + Elite Stormbreakers : Located Portal D)
& Battle wiath Fire (130 Leprechaun + Elite Firebrand : Located Portal C)
E)Pepper - The First Escape & The Second Escape
F)Ridley - Wind Mark - Mini Game : Castle Climb (Go to top and open box)
G)Ridley - Battle with Wind (160 Elderwraith + Elite Windraider: Located Portal B)
H)Pepper - The Third Escape
I)Ridley - Night Marks - Mini Game : Untrappable (Do the easy jump quest and open box)
J)Ridley - Battle with Predators(200 Red Crimson Stirges + Elite Nightshadows)
K)Pepper - The Last Escape
L)Ridley - Soldiers of Crimsonwood and click lightbulb above your head
M)Ridley - Return to darkness
N)Ridley - Altarations
~Faded Citadel~
地圖在次元之鏡第3頁Crimsonheart castle
A)Pepper - 對話即可。
B)Ridley - 對話即可。
D)Ridley - 點他接2個任務,然後到上方(由右至左)第1個跟第2個傳點打怪,裡面有2張地圖,都要打。
E)Pepper - 對話即可。
F)Ridley - Ridley旁邊傳點 - 進入"Mini Game : Castle Climb" 爬到頂,開箱子即可。
G)Ridley - 到上方(由右至左)第3個傳點打怪,裡面有2張地圖,都要打。
H)Pepper - 對話即可。
I)Ridley - Ridley旁邊傳點 - 進入"Mini Game : Untrappable" 打開箱子即可。
J)Ridley - 到上方(由右至左)第4個傳點打怪,裡面有2張地圖,都要打。
K)Pepper - 對話即可。
L)Ridley - 對話後點人物頭上的燈泡。
M)Ridley - 接Return to darkness然後對話
N)Ridley - 接Altarations,到組隊任務地圖點左邊的石像可以完成。
---------------Demon Refuge---------------
Tynerum - Demon Refuge
A)Pepper - Demon Invitation
B)Pepper - Reunion with Pepper
C)Pepper - Pepper in Peril 1 - Hunt 100 Griffey & Typhon in Shadow Veil Forest 2
D)Pepper - Pepper in Peril 2 - Hunt 150 Leplecion in Shadow Veil Forest 3
- Pepper in Peril 3 - Hunt 100 Ghost Tree (Can be found at Shadow Veil
Forest 4 : 3 at the top platform and Shadow Veil FOrest 5 with 2 spawns)
F)Chermini - Intigator Team Jay-Jay (Located at Shadow Veil Forest 5)
G)Jay-Jay - Living Woods
H)Jay-Jay - Investigating the Labyrinth
I)Jay-Jay - Clearing a Path (Hunt 50 nightshadows located : Labyrinth 1)
J)Click on Lightbulb above your head
to Labyrinth's end (Quick move > I want to go somewhere > Monster
maps > Heart Tree Guardian Grove and go back 1 map)
L)?????? - So close, So Barrier
M)Click on lightbulb above your head
N)Jay-Jay - Chermini Report (Use the Demon Refuge scroll it gives you)
O)Jay-Jay*Demon Refuge now* - Jay-Jay's Secret Exit
P)Unknown Device - Crimsonwhat? - Go to Cryptic Crimsonheart 1
Q)Click on lightbulb above your head once you reach Crimsonheart 4
R)Click on lightbulb above your head again once you reach the right side portal of Crimonheart 4
S)Hilla - A Brush with Hilla (Located at Cryptic Crimsonheart 5)
T)Click on Lightbulb above your head and go back to Demon Refuge
U)Pepper - Telling on Hilla
V)Click on lightbulb above your head and go to Labyrinth's End to talk to ??????
W)?????? - Sealed Memories (Go to Shadow Veil Forest 2 and farm 100 Memory Imprints from the Griffeys)
Tynerum - Demon Refuge
地圖在I want to go somewhere->Town maps->Demon Refuge
A)Pepper - 對話即可
B)Pepper - 對話即可
C)Pepper - 怪物在往右邊走1張圖。
D)Pepper - 怪物在往右邊走1張圖>右上角地圖。
E)Pepper - 怪物在往右邊走1張圖>右上角地圖>右上角地圖。
F)Chermini - NPC在往右邊走1張圖>右上角地圖>右上角地圖。
G)Jay-Jay - 對話即可。
H)Jay-Jay - 對話即可。
I)Jay-Jay - 對話即可
K)點完燈泡後到I want to go somewhere > Monster maps > Heart Tree Guardian Grove 前一張地圖。
L)?????? - 對話即可。
N)Jay-Jay - NPC在Demon Refuge往右邊走1張圖>右上角地圖>右上角地圖,對話後會給你一張卷軸直接用掉。
O)Jay-Jay(在Demon Refuge) - 對話即可
P)Unknown Device - 到Cryptic Crimsonheart 1(Demon Refuge 往右>右下傳點>左邊傳點),之後對話即可。
Q)上一張地圖繼續往後走到Cryptic Crimsonheart 4後點頭上燈泡。
R)點頭上燈泡後,往Cryptic Crimsonheart 4右邊的傳點進去後,右邊的傳點再進去一次。
S)Hilla - 對話即可
T)點頭上的燈泡後,回去Demon Refuge找Pepper。
U)Pepper - 對話即可
V)點完燈泡後到I want to go somewhere > Monster maps > Heart Tree Guardian Grove 前一張地圖。
W)?????? - 對話後,到Demon Refuge往右邊走1張圖打100個道具後回來找NPC。
A)Heart Tree Guardian - The Cracks of Corruption (Go to Shadow Veil Forest 2 and farm 50 corrupted heart seeds from the typhons)
B)Heart Tree Guardian - The Face of Fear - Just go to Memories of the Heart Tree
Tree Guardian(Inside) - The cleansing / The Right Shoulder / The Left
Shoulder / The abdomen / The head / The Smart Way / The Rewarding Way /
The Tough Way / The Hard Way
NPC在I want to go somewhere > Monster maps > Heart Tree Guardian Grove
A)Heart Tree Guardian - 到Demon Refuge往右邊走1張圖打50個道具後回去找NPC。
B)Heart Tree Guardian - 對話即可。
C)Heart Tree Guardian(地圖右上角傳點) - 把全部任務接完就完成了。