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2015年7月8日 星期三

Kritias 前置+Kritias Invasion說明

Kritias Questline

1)Lightbulb quest - Kingdom which suddenly appeared - Proceed to Kiritas to talk to Soldier
2)Isaac - Passing Muster - Get 50 Broken Blade(Blue), 50 Broken Hilt(Blue), 50Broken Shaft(Blue). They can be obtained from Forest of Pain 1/2/3. Then talk to Isaac again after completeing.
3)Isaac - Cost of Entry - Talk to NPC
4)Isaac - Up the Ladder - Head to Northern Barracks and talk to Blundell (Unbuffed Channels)
5)Blundell - General's Pet - Talk to NPC then proceed to Ranheim Academy
6)Beatrice - The Magic Professor - Talk to Chen.
7)Chen - A Paranoid Schoolboy - Get 100 Basic Magician's Cloth located in Corruped Magic Forest 1. Then talk to Chen
8)Chen - All his fault - Talk to Bianca.
9)Bianca - A Bloodthirsty Schoolgirl - Click on the Anti-magic Container under your USE TAB.
10)Bianca - The Clerk - Talk to Hirrel located in Town Hall.
11)Hirrel - Missing History - Use the E.reve Returning Magic Sphere first then talk to Neinheart
12)Neinheart - Gap in Time - Talk to Hirrel. Use the Kritias Returning Magic Sphere to return to Kritias.
13)Hirrel - Audience with the Princess - Go to Marketplace and into the Inn.
14)Parma - The Implacable Maid - Get 150 strips of Intermediate Magician's Cloth at Corrupted Magic Forest 2.
15)Parma - The Irrepressible Maid - Get 150 Broken Shafts(Red).
16)Parma - The Unbearable Maid - Talk to Ian.
17)Ian - Serving Boy - Go out to marketplace and go back to the Inn.
18)Miriam - The Request of a Princess - Get the Worn Wooden Comb at Forest of Laments 1 and talk to Miriam.
19)Miriam - Royal Decoy - Talk to npc.
20)Lightbulb quest/Michelin - The Royal Cook - Go talk to Hirrel.
21)Hirrel - Hungry for Words - 10 Black Spellbooks from Corrupted Adv Magicians.
22)Hirrel - Feeding Time - Bring the book to Michelin.
23)Michelin - Undercover - Go talk to Bernhardt.
24)Bernhardt - Trust me - Defeat Permeating Terrors and Permeating Anxieties in Forest of Sorrows 2&4.
25)Lightbulb Quest - Behind the Mask - Talk to Cantor.
26)Cantor - Hint from the Mask - Talk to NPC.
27)Ian - The Real Princess - Talk to Ione.
28)Ione - Fallen Castle - Talk to Ione.
29)Ione - Invasion Investigation - Talk to Hirrel.
30)Hirrel - Cracking the Code - Take book to Beatrice.
31)Beatrice - Spell=Breaking - Get 20 Magic orbs from Corrupted Adv Magicians at Corrupted Magic Forest 3.
32)Beatrice - The Absent Pentacle - Get 30 Tower Fragments from Permeating mobs in Forest of Sorrows.
33)Beatrice - A Question of Scale - Use E.reve returning Orb and talk to Neinheart.
34)Neinheart - Before the Storm - Done :)


Isaac - Southwestern Barracks
Blundell - Northern Barracks
Beatrice - Ranheim Academy
Chen - Ranheim Academy
Bianca - Ranheim Academy
Hirrel - Town Hall
Parma - Marketplace的房子裡
Miriam - Marketplace的房子裡
Michelin - Marketplace
Bernhardt - Marketplace
Cantor - Marketplace

Kritias Questline

2)Isaac - 接任務,道具在往右的地圖打。
3)Isaac - 對話。
4)Isaac - 對話後,找Blundell (17~20頻)。
5)Blundell - 對話。
6)Beatrice - 對話,找Chen。
7)Chen - 對話後,到Corruped Magic Forest 1打100個道具。
8)Chen - 對話,找Bianca。
9)Bianca - 對話後到Forest of Lanments 1,點消耗欄他剛剛給你的東西。
10)Bianca - 對話,找Hirrel。
11)Hirrel - 對話,點Ereve Returning Magic Sphere找Neinheart。
12)Neinheart - 對話,點Kritias Returning Magic Sphere回去找Hirrel。
13)Hirrel - 對話。
14)Parma - 對話後,到Corrupted Magic Forest 2打150個道具。
15)Parma - 對話後,到Forest of Laments 3打150個道具
16)Parma - 對話後,找Ian。
17)Ian - 對話後到Marketplace找Cliff。
18)Miriam - 對話後,到Forest of Laments 1打一個梳子。
19)Miriam - 對話。
21)Hirrel - 對話後,到Corrupted Magic Forest 3 打10個道具。
22)Hirrel - 對話後,找Michelin。
23)Michelin - 對話後,找Bernhardt。
24)Bernhardt - 對話後,到Forest of Sorrows 2和4打100隻怪。
26)Cantor - 對話。
27)Ian - 對話。
28)Ione - 對話。
29)Ione - 對話後,找Hirrel。
30)Hirrel - 對話後,找Beatrice。
31)Beatrice - 對話後,到Corrupted Magic Forest 3打20個道具。
32)Beatrice - 對話後,到Forest of Sorrows打30個道具。
33)Beatrice - 點Ereve returning Orb找Neinheart。
34)Neinheart - 對話。

Kritias Invasion說明:
副本進入地點: Northern Barracks
副本進入NPC: Blundell
副本限制頻道: 1~15
副本限制時間: 30分鐘 
副本限制等級: 220+
點Blundell後,選Enter Kritias Invasion,會把你傳入Kritias Invasion地圖。
進入地圖後,打怪, 建議可以到Corrupted Magic Forest 1,他是平台地圖。
The invasion is intensifying! Bosses are spawning in the main city
Boss召喚在一些主要城市,可以從Southern Road開始走,地圖都有連貫,詳細的忘了。
時間到或是進度條歸0後,會把你傳回原本的Kritias,接下來回去Northern Barracks找Blundell,選Redeem Kritias kill for Anti-magic Stones,即可拿到獎勵。

Inverse Codex說明:
取得Inverse Codex說明:
你需要67個Anti-magic Stones,接下來到Marketplace點NPC,選Kritias Commemorative Coin x3,輸入67,就會給你201個硬幣。
取得200硬幣後,點旁邊的Keilbarren,可以購買Inverse Codex。
升級Inverse Codex說明:
到Town Hall找Hirrel,把Inverse Codex放在身上後,點他,會跟你說升級需要的 Anti-magic Stones,如有足夠數量按yes就會升級。

Corrupted Magic Forest 1所在位置:



